LogVac Standard

Our new valves blend in

Subsequent to a continuous evolution, as the result of the Aspilusa I&D investment, the new valves have a discreet but elegant design.

Designed with a sense of outside simplicity, Aspilusa valves are one of the essential elements in the central vacuuming system of the brand. The Aspilusa inlet valves have a discreet elegance combining with the existing wall inlets.

Available in 6 diferent colours
Black | Almond | Grey | Brown | Metal | White
with infinite combinations.

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What our clients say about us

  • Aspilusa trabajando en su plena satisfacción
    RafaCEO Ecomax - Poland
  • Aspilusa es el árbol que da mejores aspiraciones.
    Paulo RainhoCentral Vacuum Professional
  • Aspilusa ist die Wahl in der Gegenwart, um die Zukunft zu gewinnen…
    Mário DiasCEO ElectroGás
  • Aspilusa è semplicemente ingegnoso, ingegnosamente semplice.
    Fernando SousaCEO FlipHome
  • A Aspilusa trabalha na perfeição
    Daniel WysockiCEO Ecomax - Poland
  • A Aspilusa trabalha para a sua completa satisfação
    RafaCEO Ecomax - Poland